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Evaluate Your Health - Empower Yourself

Updated: Aug 6, 2021

As a manual therapist I shouldn't be telling you this but we the therapists, doctors or people you look up to in regards to your health are simply initiators of change. It is you the human that implements, makes change and does the healing. Yes this knowledge is power - real power to change your health, your world and your life.

Ok enough of the existential talk truthfully I am simply speaking truth. How many of us look up to doctors, therapists and other health care providers for the answers to what ails us or recommendations?? I know I did until I took my own health into my own hands and decided to educate myself, implement action and change my health one habit at a time. We all can reclaim our power to change our lives if only we had the knowledge and expertise to be able to self-evaluate our current health and the what to implement.

Personally for me it took a life changing loss that shifted my perspective on health to begin to take action and reclaim my health. I started with food, evaluating what I was eating, how it made me feel and how I could improve it and little by little I began to feel better. Next I found out a new way to move, community and started addressing other issues so I could fully learn about what makes me function at my best. My journey of self discovery lasted more than 10+ years but your journey can start today with the evaluations provided in the Eat Move Thrive 30.

The Eat Move Thrive 30 is a 30 day plan to evaluate your health, take action and live your best life. It begins with a thorough evaluation of your current health - find out your current health stats, symptoms you maybe experiencing and where your body is imbalanced. All this evaluation and assessment gives you the rare opportunity to discover your opportunities for growth or where you can improve your health.

You are worth the investment, take the time to evaluate your health and discover a plan for change. Together with the Eat Move Thrive 30 you can reclaim your health one habit at a time. To sign up for the book pre-sale newsletter go to

"One Day or Day One" - Lewis Howes

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