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Reclaim Your Health Power

Updated: Aug 6, 2021

You own all the power when it comes to your health. Yes, I said it the power to change, modify and improve your health resides within you. Of course, many of us may be unaware of this fact or feel we need guidance on how and what to do to improve our health but ultimately the power to make real lasting change resides within you. The Eat Move Thrive 30 is a template for health success. The fundamentals to human health are all achievable with a little guidance.

We must focus on real food, cooking and creating food at home whilst eating in accordance with our natural circadian rhythm to fuel our human bodies and mind optimally. We need to get moving daily in a natural way, insert preventive mobility and dose our bodies with intense movement on a regular basis for optimal health. Finally, we must rest, relax, recharge and reconnect in a meaningful way to fully thrive in this modern world.

So back to you and your power, health really is about the small daily habits you do that little by little improve your mind and body. Focusing on the habits that are non-negotiable to your personal health will allow you to create a clear roadmap to your personal health. Take a moment to think of what habits or actions create balance in your life or more importantly when missing create imbalance. Many of us find our mental and physical state both unravel when we are lacking in adequate quality restorative sleep and rest which is why often it is the number one non-negotiable for humans. Each of us are different and thrive with different inputs some of us may prioritise the food and nutrients we eat first or movement to create health within us. Whatever your habit/s that are non-negotiable you must make them a priority in order to live your best life.

Why not discover your non-negotiables today with the Eat Move Thrive 30 - a 30-day plan to evaluate your health, take action and live your best life? It will teach you how to listen to your body and learn what it needs to thrive. You can modify, change and dramatically improve your health all on your own – the power lies within you to make the change.

Nicole is the author of the Eat Move Thrive 30 a lifestyle intervention plan to help you reclaim your health one habit at a time. The book is available at her website or in eBook or print on demand from

Want to try before you buy? Starting Monday September 6th, you can follow along with the 5 Day Health Reset from Eat Move Thrive 30.

We will implement small changes in the three core areas how you eat, move and thrive to create a health impact you will feel in as little as 5 days.

To learn more about how to sign up for the FREE 5 Day Health Reset from Eat Move Thrive 30 follow along on Instagram @eatmovethrive30 for updates.

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