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Our Forgotten Health Roots

Updated: Aug 6, 2021

What to eat? How to move? How to find stillness or calm? Many of us have forgotten the fundamentals to human health? Many of us living in the modern world need a reminder of where our health roots lie and how to reclaim them in our lives. If you struggle with what foods are good or bad for you remember you’re not alone this is commonplace in the Western world. Many of us have forgotten or really were never taught how to cook real food in a healthy delicious way without relying on packaged and processed food. Often, we also eat out of alignment with our circadian or 24-hour clocks eating too frequently, for extended periods of time and late into the dark evening hours.

The vast majority of us live in industrialised cities where we “exercise” but move little in our daily lives. We sit at desks for most of our working life, we eat and relax also seated and fail to expose ourselves to nature regularly. So much of the tension, anxiety and disconnection can be reclaimed when we get back to our movement roots – get out into nature and move naturally every day. For many of us we may be able to modify our workstations a little or insert some natural movement but in order to combat the fact that we are failing to move as humans always have we must insert a new form of specific movement to combat our physical decline. Movement really is so much more than HIIT classes, cardio or strength training – don’t get me wrong these movements all have a place but we must remember to address our lack of movement by helping halt decline and reinserting natural movement into our lives.

Our modern lives are also often lacking in adequate rest, we often fail to properly recharge our mind and bodies and have an epidemic of disconnection present in our lives. We must rest fully with ample sleep and relaxation time in order to thrive. We must take time each day to recharge our buckets, find activities that help us destress, reset and recharge our mind and body. We must consciously disconnect from devices and reconnect to the people in our lives, nature and ourselves in order to fully thrive. So many of us are plugged in almost every second of every day failing to find stillness, achieve a sense of calm and connection not only to those we love in our lives but also to our personal life purpose.

In response to these missing fundamentals of health I have created a lifestyle intervention book the Eat Move Thrive 30 which allows you the space to evaluate your current health, take action to reclaim it and live your best life. If you have forgotten your health roots or need a gentle nudge, plan of attack then the Eat Move Thrive 30 is here for you.

The Eat Move Thrive 30 is packed full of easy actionable ways to reclaim your health. It teaches you how to eat well with balanced meals, over 45 easy to cook recipes, a 4-week meal planner and shopping lists. It helps you reinsert natural movement, preventive mobility and intense movement or exercise into our daily lives. Finally, it will get you resting, relaxing and recharging daily in order to reconnect to nature, other humans and yourself. It starts with a thorough evaluation of your current state of health in order to improve we must first learn where we are, we must accept the current state in order to know where our health opportunities lie. The Eat Move Thrive 30 is a 30-day plan that will teach you to evaluate your health, take action and live your best life. You can buy the book on my website in print form. Also it is available in print on demand (lower quality printing) and in eBook format at

Its your health and your life take action now to be better tomorrow. Progress over perfection, you are worth the investment.

Nicole Paine, DC, BA, MSc

Author of Eat Move Thrive 30

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