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Non-Negotiable Number 1: SLEEP

Updated: Aug 6, 2021

So here we go again the toddler is waking up and I seem to be sleeping on the floor more often than in my own bed…. help me now. Children if you have them you know what I mean when I say sleep is my number one non-negotiable health habit and for good reason.

What happens to us when our sleep is reduced, disrupted or hindered?? Well from personal experience I can tell you it all starts to fray at the edges…what do I mean by that? Well, when my sleep is disrupted or reduced, I find a whole host of things that occur, my vision or ability to focus is diminished, my emotional reactivity is high or my threshold for tolerance of any kind of stress, pressure of emotional strain is nil. I mean the toddler says I don’t want to wear those shoes; those socks or shirt and you lose it. Yes, we all do it but it happens so easily without warning when we are sleep deprived. Sleep allows our brain and body time to rest, heal and reset for the day ahead but when its disrupted your ‘reset’ time is diminished or blocked all together. Our resilience or ability to handle any stress reduces to zero – at least for me it does my brain cannot cope with life.

What to do when your sleep has been disrupted here are my top 5 tips for combating that sleep disruption….

  1. Work on fixing the sleep – I know easier said then done but it should be number one focus for you and the toddler all of require a full night sleep to reset that brain and body daily.

  2. Morning Sunshine – go outside and expose your eyes to some morning sunshine. It has so many far-reaching benefits, the fresh air can help wake you up, reset your brain, and the sunshine will help you reset that circadian rhythm that has just been disrupted by that sleep.

  3. Eat Well – its oh so hard when sleep deprived all we want is to have comforting food but if you can force yourself eat well – lots of veggies, protein and healthy fats to keep your body in balance.

  4. Move – take some time today to move even if its 10-15 minutes. A walk outside in the morning sunshine is a perfect way to reset. If you’re feeling the drain in your workday try getting up off your chair and doing some simple movements – you can do some mobility work, squats, pushups – whatever it is get the blood flowing this will energise you.

  5. Take 15 minutes for yourself do something that you know recharges you – do you feel better after some stillness practice? Movement? Or a short nap whatever works for you. If you choose to nap be sure to avoid late afternoon naps as it can disrupt that next night sleep.

We all have been there whether its kids, stress, work or play causing sleep loss whatever the reason take the time to refocus and reset as best you can so you can try for a better night sleep the next night. Remember to prioritise your sleep and your health for a better life. Your just one good sleep away from an amazing day tomorrow. If you want to learn more about non-negotiables to health then sign up to my book pre-sale newsletter at The book is full of habits to improve your health including your sleep and a section on finding your non-negoitables. The book will be available July 20th.

And I will leave you with…

“Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.” – Thomas Dekker

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